Инструкции по запуску cookiecutter

Антон Касимов 2023-12-09 03:30:29 +03:00
parent d89a5842c1
commit 94c9a4e7c9
1 changed files with 24 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
# Installation
Install nitpick:
pipx install nitpick
# Project configuration stuff
## Enforcing configuration
Enforcing is done with help of nitpick - a command-line tool.
### Installation
Install nitpick:
pipx install nitpick
### Usage
# Usage
To check for errors only:
nitpick check
To fix and modify your files directly:
nitpick fix
## Initializing a project
### Python
cookiecutter https://gitea.radium.group/radium/project-configuration.git --directory cookiecutter-python